Join KuKu Connect and watch your investment pay off with direct access to new customers through our proven, award-winning model.

Since 2016, our exclusive Member benefits have consistently delivered results, backed by industry accolades and glowing testimonials.

Co-founded by Stephen Goddard and Philip Brooks-Stephenson, we’re passionate about your success. As a KuKu Connect Member, you’re more than just a number—you’re part of a thriving community.

Keep reading to see everything included in your Membership and don’t forget to take a look at The Monetary Value of Membership to show just how much is included!

One County Membership

  • Access to Connect Receptions in one county
  • Free guest places each month
  • Regular “Elevenses” peer to peer business event
  • “KuKu Quickie” Online networking
  • Welcome Meeting to get to know your business
  • New Member Announcement
  • Personal Introductions
  • Video showcase of your business
  • Full page, SEO rich listing on our website
  • Monthly press releases
  • Invitations to special events,
  • Member Badge

Standard price: 12 x payments of £55 or 1 payment of £650

Offer price: 12 x payments of £38 or 1 payment of £455

Click below to set up your Membership

Three County Membership

  • Access to Connect Receptions in three counties
  • Free guest places each month
  • Regular “Elevenses” peer to peer business event
  • “KuKu Quickie” Online networking
  • Welcome Meeting to get to know your business
  • New Member Announcement
  • Personal Introductions
  • Video showcase of your business
  • Full page, SEO rich listing on our website
  • Monthly press releases
  • Invitations to special events,
  • Member Badge

Standard price: 12 x payments of £80 or 1 payment of £950

Offer price: 12 x payments of £56 or 1 payment of £665

Click below to set up your Membership

*All offers open to new customers only.