Don‘t let expensive ’collagen creams’ fool you: Why collagen powder is the best-kept secret for anti-ageing

Despite the rise of top cosmetic brands competing to make their collagen creams the number one bestseller in the market, consumers are being fooled into thinking these creams actually reduce wrinkles.
Sarah Barker is a Registered Nurse and Prescriber and is now in her 17th year in the aesthetics industry single-handedly running Flawless Aesthetic Clinic. So, when it comes to cosmetics, skincare and anti-ageing, she has a wealth of knowledge.
Although collagen creams are a waste of time, collagen powders have endless benefits.
Sarah explains:
‘Consumers should not be fooled by the masses of so called ‘collagen creams’ on the market. It’s widely known by scientists and dermatologists that collagen molecules can’t penetrate the dermis (the layer of skin it needs to), in order to be effective.’
‘Taking collagen powder is the best way to get collagen into your body because this way, the active ingredients can reach the dermis through your blood vessels.’
Collagen works by promoting the production of elastin which improves skin’s overall health and elasticity. It helps tighten aged, thinning skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite, wrinkles and stretch marks.
When our bodies lose collagen as we get older, our joints can become stiff and swollen, causing our tendons and ligaments to have much more difficulty functioning the way they should. Collagen is also proven to boost metabolism and increase lean muscle mass due to it’s ability to help with the conversion of nutrients in your body. It plays a big role in converting glucose into energy that feeds your muscle cells and is also high in protein.
After learning how collagen powder can offer fantastic benefits to people of all ages, Sarah has recently launched her own brand of premium, tried and tested collagen powder, which is quickly growing in popularity with her customers.
Flawlessceuticals Collagen Powder contains Marine Collagen as well as both B and C vitamins, biotin, and hyaluronic acid for added benefits. It’s also cheaper than the UK’s leading collagen powder brand.
You can purchase the Flawlessceuitcals Collagen Powder at Shop – Flawless Aesthetic Clinic Homecare (, or book an in-clinic skin assessment via

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